Recently I started a youtube channel, quick plug! But I have started a series on my channel called 'Broke with expensive Taste'...
...which is a series that actually started on this very blog.
I wanted to write a post about living in the social media age where everyone believes that you need to spend stupid amounts of money to look good. Which is such BS! Something that I have stressed so much on my blog, because no amount of money can determine style. There is not a price on that.
'Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it'
Boots - Missguided (sale)
I believe I have showcased this top on my blog before, but pairing them with other pieces breathe new life into the look. My wide-leg trousers are SO comfortable (I literally wear them everywhere), they are such and easy going pair that they suit the majority of clothes in my wardrobe. My simple, yet effective £5 crop top is always a winner because who doesn't enjoy wearing black?
Trousers - Charity Shop/ Crop top - H&M

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