I'm not going to lie to you. I leave my house bare-faced and do my entire face on a packed 8:20am train, I feel really sorry for the person who sits next to me while the contents of my make-bag spills onto my lap. In other words. A hot mess. But hot nevertheless ..right?

As I speed walk for the morning train, with my eyes watering from lack of sleep, I always think about how much hard graft it takes to get to the top and the answer is always...it is not easy. Nothing was ever handed to me. My mother taught us all that hard work will always pay off. Life may be jam-packed right now, but I know it will be worth it in the end. I just have to keep positive and remember my mother's words.

Financially, I am just about making ends meet (every graduate can fully understand how it is), so what else to do when you are strapped for cash on the regular. You fake it. If you having a bad day and nothing is going your way. You fake it. Confidence, life, just everything.

As I speed walk for the morning train, with my eyes watering from lack of sleep, I always think about how much hard graft it takes to get to the top and the answer is always...it is not easy. Nothing was ever handed to me. My mother taught us all that hard work will always pay off. Life may be jam-packed right now, but I know it will be worth it in the end. I just have to keep positive and remember my mother's words.
Financially, I am just about making ends meet (every graduate can fully understand how it is), so what else to do when you are strapped for cash on the regular. You fake it. If you having a bad day and nothing is going your way. You fake it. Confidence, life, just everything.
You wouldn't know that my jeans are a year old from PRIMARK that I've customised by myself (FYI a cheese grater and a pair of fabric scissors). My sweatshirt from EAST END THIRFT SHOP for under a fiver. It's all in the confidence people.
Thanks for reading beautifuls
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